Robin Luscombe
In 2010 we did a trip from the Chinese border to Hoi An on Urals, a great trip with many highlights, but mainly on tarmac, so when the opportunity came for the same group to ride the trails in Lao on CRF250, no support vehicle, carry all your own stuff, and really get in the jungle I had to go! And what a trip, I am an experienced off road rider, and would suggest you should have some experience off rd to get the best, as Digby was brave enough to take us right into the jungle, with just one way out, riding your bike! Riding though remote villages, hill top tribes, dodging bomb craters and old bombs, he even found a live cluster bomb! So it’s a real adventure, we all loved it, and even the accommodation which we were warned might be poor or very poor in places was acceptable for a lads biking trip. What ever you fancy, CRF250s, Urals or Minsks wherever Digby go’s will be an adventure without the health and safety people taking all the adventure out of it. Great Trip, next time it’s North East Vietnam!!