The Ho Chi Minh Trail: Then and Now (Part 4)
Relentless bombing devasted the Laotian countryside. Check out part 4 of our gallery of images of the Ho Chi Minh Trail, taken before and after the war.
The Ho Chi Minh Trail: Then and Now (Part 3)
The Trail was a vital logistical network involving communication and pipeline networks. Keep exploring one of the largest photo collections of the Ho Chi Minh Trail
The Ho Chi Minh Trail: Then and Now (Part 2)
Cluster bombs, shell casings, and original cobblestoned sections of the Ho Chi Minh Trail can still be seen in Laos. Explore our massive Ho Chi Minh Trail image gallery.
The Ho Chi Minh Trail: Then and Now (Part 1)
We’ve spent more than 20 years exploring and the Ho Chi Minh Trail in Laos, and have compiled this set of images comparing what it looked like then with now.